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Re: Psychosis

oh thank you @PeppiPatty

i dont know about strength i am purely letting my thoughts flow. I have had major depression and anxiety for a long time now. I have had the depression since early teens. had a period of about 8 years where I was a whole person. then just life events, manipulative people et etc have had their toll. I usually manage it well.

Lawyers well they are a breed onto their own. i can well imagine the atmosphere in the room before you were even allowed to open your mouth.

As far as the lawyer representing you, re a mental health issue there should have been an advocate for you. I see that as being remiss on their side, further exasperating an already untenable situation for you to have to be in court. well done for turning up.

i was expecting some further development interstate with the authorities today re my son but it didnt eventuate. I received a phone call from his so called "care coordinator" who needs to look up the meaning of "care".

She just prattled on in her office jargon and was thrown when  I asked her to slow down and answer some questions. She floundered because she didnt have a clue, she hasnt kept up to date with my son's situation. she fired everything back at me. Anything I asked I got "well I dont know" or "i dont work interstate". She gave me the phone no to ring the interstate mental health team. She then asked me to keep in touch with any outcome. I was flabbergasted since the only time I heard from her was yesterday because a very helpful lady in another organisation went straight to the head honcho. hence i was contacted by her. I replied that she had told me my son's CTO expired today at 2pm. Her response well he will still be on their books and if he stays interstate they need to know. My question and if I dont know where he is staying? Iwas then told that I was rude and she hung up on me.

The definition of "care" comes under C.

She actually went to the house that my son was temporarily staying at just after he was released, on a sunday morning without notice. Is that allowed?

I rang the interstate team, nice lady on reception advised someone from the triage, crisis care team should be in touch later today.How hard is that? question asked, answered, politely, humanely.

another page of venting. this is the hardest part for me

yes helps when I vent on here but i write books!  the poor person i respond to already has their own issues otherwise wouldnt be on here. the last thing they need is my hype.

I just feel so much for my son if I am getting this treatment, how are they treating him.

I think i will look into time travelling and go back in time and fix this. i will fix the whole system. actually if I reversed the roles that would be interesting wouldnt it. bit cheeky i know but need to  be instead of bawling my eyes out.



Re: Psychosis

lol........ Dear @Former-Member


Many many people have gone down this road on this forum. It is really really hard and we can support you but we would rather if you could just keep on finding support for yourself. 

Please don't think that I am laughing of taking the mikey out of you but the problems are just too huge for you or me to begin to start changing. I cannot bellieve that your still here, you have more strength....... that you can sit down and look at yourself objectively.


Are you going to follow up on this terrible carer who called you? IF you do: you could copy a letter sample that is on the ombusman's website of your state to complain. You will need to send to:

The hospital that this person came from: 

A member of  the Local Office of your suburb. 


Find an outline of the Law of your state regarding  caring for someone with MI or being a loved one with Mental ill Health. The state law will outline that the LAW of carers: thats you are to be listened to. 

You will need to outline that  this 'care' lady visited your son. 

You will need what you would like for the outcome of the woman from the care team who called you...


Well, okay, your going to fix the shole system ?

A few people for you to write to: the Premier of the Opposition for your state. The hospital. The Head Psychiatrist of your state. The Head of the Psychiatrist of the hospital he is going to. Your Local Member of your suburb. Your Gp. 

I've done this. I will try and find all the people that I have written to. I also wrote to the Head of Centrelink about getting my husband and myself housing which is not being in an enclave of others with mental ill health issues. The Federal Minister of Mental Health and the State Member of Mental HEalth and the Opposite member of health.

I got very tired........

Okay lets start with the prison system. You are going to build say three units; 3 buildings  every prison just for people with MI and staffed with nurses/ carers , Reputable Doctors and Psychistrists.

A very strong rehab or two for every state for all people who suffer times of mental ill health who self medicate and want to start the journey of proper medication.

Every place where there is information and centres for carers and information for MI in every state; A complete overhaul and new ways of dealing with people like you and me.

We will need to change all laws in every state for people with mental ill health issues.

EVery hospital to have another centre built and operating for people who self medicate and where they can stay safe and be watched over while they deal with their issues.

What else.....

I'm going to have a cuppa tea, would you like one too ??

Good luck babe..........xxxxx

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Re: Psychosis

how lovelly @PeppiPatty you waited for him - a kind soul and he must be too because he was worth waiting for.

you have touched my heart. thank you

Re: Psychosis

dear @Former-Member

YOU so impress me with your responses here and your support to your family !!!

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Re: Psychosis

hello @PeppiPatty

i will work on the list. I already have some of those positions you mentioned earmarked.

at this moment in time i have retreated into myself - self preservation.

so today not a good time.

you mentioned that you would rather that  I just keep on finding support for myself.

I am not asking anyone on here for support in that way.

I only express how I feel on here. If you and, or others feel that is not helpful for others or putting too much pressure on other's help. I will stop. I apologise that was never my intention.

I am very deep and I know that some people find that intimidating.

Re: Psychosis

Hi @Former-Member,


I'm just "dropping by"  to say please feel free and welcome to post as much as you want.Thats what the Forums are here for and I would hate for anyone to feel discouraged!

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Re: Psychosis


i really think that it is me. i have the problem. i am so sensitive at the moment. i am being overreactive.

i think that i should just stay off of here for a while.

i have had to fight so hard over the last ten days to get people to listen in different departments. i cant believe that these people work in an industry that is meant to be there for help.

i am over everything.

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Re: Psychosis

Seconding @ivana.  It's great having you around @Former-Member.  By all means take a break if you need it but please know that you're welcome and valued around here.

Re: Psychosis

Hello @Former-Member, @Pippa33, @Former-Member, @ivana, @PeppiPatty xx

 It's great having you around @mohill. , I want to let you know  that you're welcome and valued around friend

Re: Psychosis

Dear @Former-Member

Yes, I just like very much reading your messages.....

When I read your messages I think that you are sorting out your feelngs about yourself in a scary situation.

Do you understand why some women might use illegal substances to get through what your going through? 


You are very articulate and if you can't get your feelings out are you going to get them out? 

When I had my second session with my Psychotherapist over 13 years ago, I turned up and said to her at the end of the second session....

"I ..... ........ you because you are not my Mother you ......"

She almost ran away but she stayed there. Thank good ness. 

Here's a flower for you 

PP Red-Rose-Botanical-Printable-GraphicsFairy-sm.jpg