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The town I live in is a witch's nest

Yep, and I've tried going other places & most towns are the same now, or worse. Most good people have been 'removed' over the years or live in hiding. Strange tasting water? Witches. Random assaults? Witches. Other kids attacking your kids at school? Witches. People trying to mess with your head? Witches. You'll know it's witchcraft if it's completely irrational - they have no aim in life other than their own self defeat. Just let them be & stay out of the way, they don't want to be around & you can't help them. This is a problem across all Western societies right now, the world is having a clean out.


Re: The town I live in is a witch's nest

I think its always important to try be the change the world needs and spread kindness, respect and equality everywhere we go. Unfortunately it seems to be everywhere now that the world is backwards or full of crime, hate and disrespect. But to be a part of the small percent that still live in a good positive caring mind frame is very rewarding.

Re: The town I live in is a witch's nest

@MissLil Those are such important values to uphold in such a dangerous world ❤️