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Re: My special place

Really nice to see you here @Snowie. What a lovely holiday you have planned

Re: My special place

Sounds like you have it all sorted then @Snowie Everything is so close to the major cities so most things can be done in day trips. If you get a chance to go to the west coast (Strahan in particular) then go - the scenery is stunning - it would need a stay overnight at least though, Hope you are going to the East coast as well - some of the most beautiful beaches you would see anywhere. Oh this is exciting though - hope you have a wonderful trip.

Re: My special place

So nice to see you on here too @Sans911, have been missing out chats. How are you going?


@Zoe7hopefully we see some nice things along the way. Will take lots of photos and upload some to here so I am sure you will recognise some of the places we visit along the way.

Re: My special place

I am sure I will @Snowie It will be lovely to see through someone else eyes though - we often forget what a wonderful state we live in and what beautiful scenery there is right on our doorstep - will be great to see what the kids think of our beautiful state too.


Hi @Sans911 Missing you too Hon Heart

Re: My special place

Hi @Zoe7. I'm enjoying reading the conversation between you and @Snowie.

I'm doing OK. Super tired for some reason. Need to get motivated, but struggling to do so.

Re: My special place

You have been very busy @Sans911 for a while now so not really surprising you are tired Hon. I have been following along with how much you have achieved over the last couple of months and I think you have done an amazing job with it all. I hope you know how inspirational all your volunteering work has been and seeing you doing so much has given me that extra incentive to get out and do some things too - but that won't happen until well into the new year and after I am back at work again.

Re: My special place

I was only ever this weary when I did a super busy 6hour shift in Emergency. It doesn't seem to matter how well or long I sleep, it's never enough. Some part of me thinks that last year (2017) I had so much energy to NOT sleep, fighting to survive my suicidal mind, dealing with so much stress, that all has caught up with me now.

Thanks for your kind comments @Zoe7. I'm glad people like you are finding good out of it. I never anticipated that but it's nice to see. I always feel better when I'm being useful.

Re: My special place

I basically slept away 2017 and battled with SI the whole year as well @Sans911 - it really is like the whole year didn;t happen at all - but I know how hard I battled to stay here even amidst all that was going on at the time. 2018 has bee slightly better - certainly the second half of the year ...thanks mainly to the meds finally working and finding that right balance.

Much like you - I like to be doing things and work, despite having to deal with all I did, was another turning point for me - it made me realise that I do love the job and do want to get back to it. Nursing seems to be much the same for you and I hope you can get back to it in some capacity really soon.

I believe you have shown great determination and strength to do all the work you have done on both yourself and with your volunterring work - you should be very proud of your achievements and how far you really have come ...I am proud of you Hon Heart

Re: My special place

hello @Snowie HeartHeart

Re: My special place

@Snowie 💕 💕