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Re: Topic Tuesday // Covid-19 and reflecting on the dynamic times of 2020 // Tues 15th December, 7-8:30PM AEDT

We are coming to end of 2020 and in some ways things are looking more hopeful and less restricted when it comes to COVID-19 in Australia. But many people are still struggling after the trials of the year and current challenges. We’d like to hear where you’re at.


So can you post 3 words that describe how you’ve been feeling about COVID-19?


Also if you attended our previous reflection event ‘Comfort in Chaos’ and described where you were at back then in 3 words, how have your feelings about world events changed since then?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Covid-19 and reflecting on the dynamic times of 2020 // Tues 15th December, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Welcome @Judi9877!! Glad you could be here with us! 😊

Re: Topic Tuesday // Covid-19 and reflecting on the dynamic times of 2020 // Tues 15th December, 7-8:30PM AEDT

For me, 3 words that describe where I'm at with COVID-19 right now are:


Tired, grateful, and uncertain. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Covid-19 and reflecting on the dynamic times of 2020 // Tues 15th December, 7-8:30PM AEDT

For me, tired, relieved, cautiously optimistic. Oops that was four words... @Judi9877 how about you?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Covid-19 and reflecting on the dynamic times of 2020 // Tues 15th December, 7-8:30PM AEDT

I agree with you @Former-Member . My word would be: uncertain, confused, frustrated.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Covid-19 and reflecting on the dynamic times of 2020 // Tues 15th December, 7-8:30PM AEDT





Re: Topic Tuesday // Covid-19 and reflecting on the dynamic times of 2020 // Tues 15th December, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Hi everyone. Good time to take stock.

@Daisydreamer @Tortoiseshell @TideisTurning @Judi9877 @BlueBay ...

Re: Topic Tuesday // Covid-19 and reflecting on the dynamic times of 2020 // Tues 15th December, 7-8:30PM AEDT

I can relate to that too @Judi9877 .

Wow @BlueBay that sounds hard! Also welcome!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Covid-19 and reflecting on the dynamic times of 2020 // Tues 15th December, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Heya @BlueBay, lovely to have you here ❤️


It seems like tireness, exhaustion, and uncertainty are some pretty common experiences with where people are at so far 🌻

Re: Topic Tuesday // Covid-19 and reflecting on the dynamic times of 2020 // Tues 15th December, 7-8:30PM AEDT

3 words for me: exhausted, uncertain, grateful