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Looking after ourselves

Re: Creating Self-Care Projects

I might start making a collection of design scrap books and collages of my little girl again, that way she can look back. 

Re: Creating Self-Care Projects

Thats really cool @Former-Member im sure she will love it!

Re: Creating Self-Care Projects

My first self care project that was about dealing with my grief, was choosing good photos and fossicking around for old phot o frames of different shapes and sizes.  First I did it with all the people I loved who had died. I already had lots of my children, but then I started choosing photos I loved because of the positive associations. I have big photo walls now.  They still help. I can forget they are there, but notice them with affection when I need.

Smiley Happy

With music, I choose a direction, more than call it a whole project.  When I am not well enough to practise, it does not add to being critical. Over time it all adds up though, and now instead of negative thoughts a lot of the time, I have great tunes going through my head.  Certainly I feel a lot better than 20 years ago.


Re: Creating Self-Care Projects

Some sage advice there @Owlunar Swimming sounds invigorating! 


Absolutely @Former-Member! Diary writing is a great self care project. What I really like about diaries is that you can make them completely your own. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Write a diary using a word document or notes on your computer or phone
  • Use an app to record your thoughts
  • Keep a written diary
  • Use a thought diary to critically reflect on your thoughts and feelings
  • Use artwork as a form or journalling
  • Create a photo diary 

- And lots more! 


Has anybody used diary writing as a self care project?


I really love the idea of creating a scrapbook for your daughter too @Former-Member What a beautiful thing to have to look back on. 


Photo's can be so powerful like that @Appleblossom And how lovely to have them up on the wall to greet you when you need. I think a future discusion idea might be for us to create something around music to boost your mood!


Re: Creating Self-Care Projects

I think I may write in the diary @Former-Member


Re: Creating Self-Care Projects

Hi @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Appleblossom, @outlander, @Owlunar

I am going to start a diary too

And I love sitting out the front with a cuppa 

Re: Creating Self-Care Projects

This should be interesting @Shaz51

Nothing better than a coffee out the front or just coffee in general. Having one now here 

Re: Creating Self-Care Projects

I will have one with you @Former-Member xx


Re: Creating Self-Care Projects

Okay @Shaz51

Thought about having a bottle of wine but I won’t get up tomorrow and it would make me worse!

Going for a drive to clear my head, hope you have a good night Shaz 

Re: Creating Self-Care Projects

I had two glasses of wine tonight @Former-Member, to unwind after a busy day but now ready for bed xx hope you have a good night sleep 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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