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Looking after ourselves

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@eudemonism perhaps you would like to tag @greenpea in one of your threads as others experiencing similar issues would unlikely go digging in a gardening thread to be able to offer support (pun intended 😀).

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member Hi Darcy yes I am a bit of a gardener when I am in the mood for it. I would prefer to be some weathy person who had a gardener so that I could just appreciate the garden without getting all dirty 🙂

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@eudemonism I am sorry that your work colleagues turned on you like that. That is not on and management should have supported you. You are right your pay slip is private and confidential nobody elses business ... people can be so stupid. Again sorry that you feel unsupported by your mental health 'professionals',  I have finally come across mental health professionals who are .... fabulous to say the least. Very professional and I feel at long last that I am becoming me again. But it has taken 7-8 years. I know I am one of the lucky ones though. Stay positive, you are a good guy eudemonism. greenpea xxx

Re: Self care by growing a garden


Having a gardener (a good looking one to boot 😀) would be wonderful but I reckon I would still want to go out and get my hands dirty from time to time.   The warmer weather does seem to bring out the green in our thumbs..

unnamed (1).gif



Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member yes my garden needs some attending ... now that we are talking warmer weather. I like gardening but it is the have too... I need a gardener to inspire me. Still my garden looks great considering the lack of rain ... although it has been raining today!!!!

Re: Self care by growing a garden

You are well ahead of me then @greenpea my garden does not look great and we have had rain.

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member Darcy I am sure your garden looks great 🙂 What sorts of plants do you have? I have some dward gardenia (which I love) some geraniums and some tree outside the front which has orange berries which apparently is used as a hedge in countries such as Malayasia 😮 (it is huge and needs a trim) plus it has spines on it!!! I have some no names bushes and a azalea which is sweet. and some hydrangas.

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Suspect your yellow berried shrub is a cotoneaster @greenpea


No false humility here @greenpea our garden is a mess, the bed directly at the front of the house has a couple of visible carpet roses and seaside daisies surrounded by a weeds which are obscuring a few other small carpet roses and the start of an intended pathway through the bed. The "ornamental garden" has beds with trees in the middle surrounded by weeds with an occassional plant that is not visible and a couple of  hedges that have somehow managed to survive despite absolute neglect - these are hebes, irises and bog sage - but very small when compared to the size of the plot. A few other plants managed to survive the beheadings when, after Mr Darcys attempt, a friend kindly paid for someone to mow and whipper snip, despite the plant losses it was something I was so very grateful for.  The orchard has stunted trees that have not borne fruit and berry trellises have wires which are not strained, and the berry "beds" are full of weeds - some berries have survived but none were as tasty as what we were able to grow in warmer climates.  When we moved here, the garden was to be my consolation - after making a start it all came to a halt and I went into survival mode when Mr D became unwell.   But, hey, Mr Darcy is far more important to me than any garden. Thankfully he has recovered from his acute episode, perhaps this might be the year we get things together in the yard, he is keen to get the place looking nice and I have a bit of time up my sleeve - in fact he is out there mowing now so I think I might grab the fork and do some weeding. 


My veg beds look very much like this (without the sheep):

cary done eating weeds in kohlrabi bed.jpg


Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member sounds like both you and I could do with that lil sheep! Your garden sounds great just needs some work which is so hard to do when you have other more pressing priorities being a carer is on the top of the list.... I hear you. In any case it is a work in progress which is nice 🙂

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@greenpea need a flock of sheep at my place .. Smiley Happy perhaps some black faced suffolks.sheep-1315f_1024x1024.jpg

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