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Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @TAB just about to go for a walk after my Mexican siesta this afternoon.  Have been a bit slack with exercise since yesterday was really tired so just prioritised stuff I could do without trying to wear myself out. Anyway back at it again. Its so damn cold in Melbourne.  Full Moon tonight. Had a document from Officeworks that did not arrive here twice. I think someone ran off with the first copy lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Full Moon tomorrow looks like @TAB I read my calendar wrong.An extra day worth of crystal soaking

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

very good @Meowmy  no walk here today, poss tomorrow as well at this stage. Sort of groggy from trying to sleep. looks have to split wood again looks like re temp tonite, was hoping not, too much effort lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, still sitting having coffee. Feel a bit unwell. Hope the day pans out well for us.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

no walk here today for next day or so, had been adding over 20% for each walk, tripled distance in like last 2weeks so time for short break @SmilingGecko  got to split wood , will try and sort some crap out on bedroom and or lounge floor need stretching area. I used to do yoga in tiny 1 br lat less than half the size of this tiny house , have cluttered it up  junk.  might even move bed ,, prefer to sleep against the wall I think , will have a think about that.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

gosh its not even 2 pm here, I could still go to bigtown now instead of tomorrow. better earlier I guess. @Meowmy  hope you feel a bit better soon

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB You'll be back at it again. 20% extra distance is really good going especially with your thyroid stuff and weight gain. When you carry extra weight the burden of exercise is more difficult. Enjoy your day in your house moving things around. Sounds like you need to just have quiet space right now.  

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

planning shopping trip to small regional city down the road @SmilingGecko  everything an effort today. got scripts to get, am embarrassed to get one for alcohol at local chemist , might just do it anyway who cares 

Re: Tabaluga's

Don't feel embarrassed I did read that alcoholism can be caused by heavy metals. Lots of people are full of heavy metals with all kinds of health stuff playing out in their own lives. We are all carrying some hardship in our own way and are at certain points in our own lifes journey. We have to trust the process and be tolerant with ourselves @TAB 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

well , people in small towns talk and they dont need to know @SmilingGecko  dunno, guess adds to my rep as a weirdo lol. on walk I used to to regularly last year except like an hour or so later , 2 people going to work made a point of saying hello to me. maybe world has travelled since my 2 visits to the RSL lol  couple people asked me where I was from , told one of the 'Mars' lol  I had seen them around town, I am still invisible I guess thats good.