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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..just the unknown I suppose @Meowmy not sure whether staying the night, whether it will happen at all. plus probs not healthy enough to have it done. They nearly refused. I forgot I was expected to lose weight. had just started weight loss meds and lost a bit when saw gut dr, they said, oh by then you should be okay, only never lost anymore weight ha ha

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Procedure soon @Meowmy 

Staying overnight

Re: Tabaluga's

As my main income is pension - I got the cheapest phone from Telstra android 

But - after all these years a bit of my inheritance came through @TAB from my father. An allowance of more money a poor person like me can imagine. 


It's become I'm now living like a normal person, not an extremely poor person. I'm not wealthy by far - but for me it's enough to make me want to cry. 

Yeah I was talking about Sandra Cabot ( ??) wasn't it 1986 when her book came out ? 

My step dad and me used to do it after we went through years of eating a big Toblerone chocolate after dinner. 

@Meowmy @Glisten @Bill16 @Jacques @Cocodimity @Dimity @Patches59 @Gremlin24 @Adge 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's


 just at hosp for procedure @PeppyPatti 

Re: Tabaluga's

Good luck for procedure @TAB 

See you on the other side x

We will be thinking of you until we hear from you again