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And IRe: Tabaluga's

And I totally agree that some people like Marilyn Monroe are totally destroyed by their lack of self-confidence and the fact that to this day the of the arts is still very misogynist, as well as full of testosterone fueled bravado.  It's changing, but it has to change a lot more.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yeah, you prob just didnt like them so noise grated @Meowmy  I stayed at brothers house many times years ago cos cheap and cos , well, knew him, but I spent big periods trying to avoid him I would go to bed before he got home as he would go to pub after work. then hear him getting ready to go to work then sense of relief when he had left and I had place to myself lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby,  glad it's more normal now at home ha. Can relax.ha.

Re: Tabaluga's

So am I @TAB .

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

not sure what you mean @Abner 

Re: Tabaluga's

Night night y'all. 

bner @Meowmy @TAB @Meowmy @Dreamy @Glisten @tyme @Ru-bee @Jynx 


Exhausted. However fridge is clean and I didn't end up doing it. The reason why I wanted a clean fridge is my new carer is working tomorrow - she's Indian - we e cooking a meal or two tomorrow !


Also @Abner your information is awesome re music. 

May I sound like a pseudo intellectual       ...

When I was at University - I did a range of art - no idea where it is --- on Glenn Gould about Canada in the 60s. This guy, was a complete genius on playing Bach he was a child prodigy. He played and played this extraordinary classical music -  but if I remember, at 20 he quit playing concerts. So he grew up in Canada. Every time a woman would get close to him -- the piano won so off you go. 


He had this obsession he was going to die from a cold. So every day, he wore this big coat, boots etc. He turned 50. The next week,  he caught a cold.  the next day a stroke  it went to pneumonia and he died.......


But get this, his musical playing was sublime. 


So the Canadian Government asked him to do a musical piece to celebrate Canada. And he....... Interviewed people living in isolation in the mountains  and put it to a musical piece in a musical score. In  1967. 

I listened to the 3 or 4 cds of his work for years. . This is one of them .. 

This is the end of me knowing anything. I'm too tired nor can be bothered. 




Also at Description from CBC: "Gould's first "contrapuntal radio documentary" and the first installment in his "Solitude Trilogy." Originally broadcast on the CBC Radio programme Ideas, Dec. 28, 1967

Re: Tabaluga's

@PeppyPatti night night ❤️

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby,  its all dark here. Need to adjust mood a bit ha.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Nite @PeppyPatti 😎

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Take it easy @Meowmy