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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

FYI peeps..

Subsidised wages for people with disability
Employers may be able to get a wage subsidy when they hire someone through Disability Employment Services (DES).

Subsidies include:

Wage Subsidy Scheme – paying up to $1,650 for hiring a new employee
Restart wage subsidy – paying up to $10,000 for hiring someone aged 50 or over
Wage Start subsidy – paying up to $6,000 for taking on someone who has been with DES for at least 12 months.


just googled this and mention in email that they could get $10,000  lol 

yes, had heard of it years ago, thought they got rid of it, well reduced it anyways..
Wage subsidies are usually paid for the first few months of employment. Employers can contact a DES provider to apply.

Re: Tabaluga's

@Dreamy   Grief anniversary? You don’t have to say. We’re all here for you. I know that you know. But it’s comforting to be reassured.

Re: Tabaluga's

@Glisten i eat bananas tell me about post workout 

Re: Tabaluga's

@Glisten yes. It's a year since I had to put my dog down, but she wasn't just a pet she was my assistance dog and meant everything to me. She was only 3 years old. 


Thankyou ❤️ 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB  you are the most well organised, intelligent, educated person I know.

You keep going like the EverReady Bunny.

Sleeping 2 hourly sessions sucks and blows at the same time. It doesn’t seem to affect your brain 🧠 the way sleep deprivation affects mine.

My dyslexia is shocking today.

Re: Tabaluga's

@Gibbs  The older we get the more protein we need to maintain muscle.

Post-workout supplements, particularly those containing protein and amino acids, can aid in muscle repair and growth. Fast-digesting protein powders, like whey, provide the body with immediate access to the amino acids needed for recovery. 



Re: Tabaluga's

Yep. The sleep fairies didn't do a good job last night. 

And iv got to learn to rest ..     .....

We won't go there........


Already written about that......

Very excited today. I'm cooking .....

I heard everyone sit down in unison and a few little gasps - yes I never cook .......

I'll show you if photos on my phone work ok ? 


I'm pretending to listen to the head of liberal talk.on television. 

Shall I wear my reasonably dirty high end thongs or my black sandals today ? 



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

ah haves me moments as Popeye might say .. @Glisten  lol

I always had more energy during the night, time works differently as well, hours can seem like minutes sometimes. I am learning not to sit on lounge as I will nod off. just keep moving lol. yeah HR is always too high now as well.not getting enough oxygen

cardiologist says I wont get better unless I drink less and lose weight, despite procedures they send me for. Anyhoo. I re your compliments, I havent worked in years and le about in cosy old hovel getting hammered as often as I can afford or my body/sanity can take it lol

which reminds me, was supposed to cancel hosp cover just applied for lol Tomorrow.

Better get moving here. got knee xray appt to try and help build case for DSP. laxer rules after been w DES job provider for 2 years apaz. GP doubted it, now seems to be onboard, consciously or not re SU 684 medical assessment forms lol. laters..

Re: Tabaluga's

@Dreamy  Dogs aren’t pets. They’re people. You can’t replace people.

That is a brutal loss for you. Having to make that decision and deal with the pain of grief is an incredibly hard challenge.

The physical pain, the knots in your stomach and chest. Your heart literally hurts.

You can’t cry enough, and the crying brings no relief.

Re: And IRe: Tabaluga's

@TAB check out 


They are supposed to give you cheapest amounts of books in the world. I always look at Abe Books and eBay as well ...