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Re: My special place

I know that feeling @Snowie but you are doing everything you can and that is all that can be asked of you. Just a little hope can go a long way though so I hope this visit tomorrow gives you that. Are you sleeping okay Hon?

I hope the little escape artist is giving you a lot of cuddles and the kids are behaving for you Smiley Surprised

Re: My special place

I am hoping the pdoc can do something tomorrow to help. It will be a relief if he can and if it works. Sleep is going ok but not as good as it was. Again, another thing I need to speak to the pdoc about. 

The kids have been great, just hoping that this is not affecting them too much. They have even noticed that I am not myself at the moment.

Izzy is alseep next to meSmiley Surprised

Re: My special place

Kids do pick up on how we are @Snowie but it is great that they have been good - I am sure all they want is their Mum to be well. It sucks that the sleeping is not as good as it was - it could be like me that you are more used to the meds and they need a slight tweak. We decreased mine slightly some time back and that was enough for me to not sleep again so we went back up to the dose I am on now and that has been working for several months. I hope it is a simple fix for you too. There is such a fine line though between what zonks us out and the right amount of sleep - we both know that line is easily crossed without the right meds.

Toby has brought himself in and is spread out next to me - Cat is still outside though. Give Izzy a cuddle from me, Toby turns 5 in a couple of weeks - I can't believe I have had him for so long but I did lose over a year being so unwell for so long - thank goodness I had him for that time though  - gotta love our fur babies Heart 

Re: My special place

I am glad your meds are worked out now @Zoe7, I know how slight a change in meds can alter how we are and our sleep. I am hoping it is a slight change that will help me and not a complete change in meds again.

Yes gotta love our fur babies. Wow, 5 years is a long time to have Toby hon. I am glad you had him through the harest times.


Re: My special place

I am hoping it will only be a slight change for you too Hon - you have been through so much @Snowie and you so deserve a break.

Cat turned 10 last birthday and I can't believe she is that old already - it really doesn't seem like that long I have had her but knowing Toby is now nearly 5 is a bit of a shock to the system - that time has gone so quickly. But he is one of the best decisions I have maed in my life - he is more than just a puppy dog - he is my little shadow, my companion and my baby all rolled into one and I couldn't imagine life without him ...infact there probably wouldn't be one without him Smiley Surprised So he is pretty special Heart

Re: My special place

I am glad @Zoe7 he is with you. It was one of the best decisions you did make hon, he really has been your life saviour. I hope that you have many more birthdays together with him and with Cat. 

I am going to log of hun and take my night meds. I hope you get some sleep and hoping tomorrow goes well for you hun. Will be thinking of you Heart

Re: My special place

Will be thinking of your too @Snowie I hope it all goes well for you tomorrow and there is no major med change for you just some tweaking to help you out. Hugs and hugs Hon. Sleep well Heart

Re: My special place

thinking of you lots @Snowie Heart

Re: My special place

really missing you sis. hoping you can check in soon @Snowie Heart

Re: My special place

Sorry I have not checked in for awhile.

Last week I saw my pdoc and that went okish. I thought he would take me off this med but he has increased it. It is not doing anything to lower my anxiety, in fact I think it is making it worse. The only time I have some relief is when I am sleeping so that is what I have been trying to do. The poor kids are stuck at home because of me not wanting to do anything. I really need to try and get out with them, but just feel so derailed by this constant anxiety.

I also had to see an independent pdoc last week for work cover which did not seem to go well at all. He asked some really hard questions which I couldn't answer and I got so jumbled up and confused. I really do not know what the report will find on this one. If it says I am fit to go back to work, then I will have to.

Some good news, finally heard about the DBT course and start mid January on that which was good news to find out.
