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Re: Topic Tuesday // Creating and maintaining social connections // Tues 20 Nov, 7pm AEDT

It has been so lovely having you here tonight @jess_27 and the questions and discussion from both you and other forum members have been thought provoking. Thank you @Former-Member @jess_27 for running this session Smiley Very Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // Creating and maintaining social connections // Tues 20 Nov, 7pm AEDT

Thanks everyone.

Thanks @jess_27 & @Former-Member


Re: Topic Tuesday // Creating and maintaining social connections // Tues 20 Nov, 7pm AEDT

@Mazarita I think everything you said is so thoughtful and honest. 


I too think expectation is the enemy of relationships. Whilst I set boundaries I try not to expect too much otherwise I end up disappointed. This is particularly true of my relationship with my brother. As soon as I stopped expecting him to be something he wasn't, I was  alot happier an dour relationship improved tremendously. 

I'm sure I'll be around. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Creating and maintaining social connections // Tues 20 Nov, 7pm AEDT

Thanks for having me everyone! 

I've learned a lot from all of you and I truly hope you got something special out of tonight. 

Until we meet again! 🙂 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Creating and maintaining social connections // Tues 20 Nov, 7pm AEDT

PS. I'll leave this thread open until tomorrow so you can all continue chatting amongst yourselves for a bit or you might like to start a thread in the forums around this same subject to continue the conversation? I'll let you all decide 🌈


Thanks for your time @jess_27 we will hopefully see you again for another great event! Night night! (also hi there @frog - didn't want to miss you!)

Re: Topic Tuesday // Creating and maintaining social connections // Tues 20 Nov, 7pm AEDT

@jess_27, I found the forum by chance on one of my many Google searches on various things. It helped me so much at a really low point. That same day I started moving towards doing what needed to be done for my medical treatment, something I'd got to a very bad state with. Since then, it has worked marvels in various ways. Aside from that I have a very active online life, including creative collaborations with people over the net, often people on the other side of the world! The internet has played a fairly major role in my life since the 1990s.

Thanks, @Former-Member and @jess_27, so much, for having this forum with us. Hope you enjoy the rest of your night. Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Creating and maintaining social connections // Tues 20 Nov, 7pm AEDT

Goodnight and thanks to everyone who has participated tonight too, really appreciate your stories and experiences. Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Creating and maintaining social connections // Tues 20 Nov, 7pm AEDT

Hi @jess_27,

I came to the forum too late tonight. I just wanted to say what a great discussion!!

I am part way through a book called “ Boundaries “ I stumbled upon it by accident when reading “parenting with boundaries “ I decided if I was to instill it in the kids I better learn it for myself. 

The whole concept of beginning to set boundaries at the age of 34 seems really overwhelming for me.

However I am feeling really encouraged by reading from others on the forum tonight.

I just wanted to say thank you to  those that have the courage to post about their experiences & insight. It is an honesty that I haven’t been able to find in my friendship circles , that’s for sure and is ever so helpful!!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Creating and maintaining social connections // Tues 20 Nov, 7pm AEDT

hello @Mazarita

oh such a profound response..

brings me back to the times I first encountered your messages

love it although am hesitant....

do not want to offend..

Re: Topic Tuesday // Creating and maintaining social connections // Tues 20 Nov, 7pm AEDT

@Teej Funny with your friend Teej as I have a similar arrangement with my exhusband. He rings me once a week to see if I am okay. It is sweet to have people care about you so much that they would do that. xxxx