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Looking after ourselves

Re: My fitness journey

I’m up to pushing a 50kg sled now. I feel rather proud of that. I noticed too I am also lifting a heavier ball 🎳 bowling (I bowl every Friday morning with my support worker). Haven’t noticed too much weight loss but I’m going to try those shakes at last!

Re: My fitness journey

How’s everyone going with their journey? I’ve dropped a dress size!!! 

Re: My fitness journey

@Queenie  OMG! Queenie that is fantastic! You must be thrilled :D. I am so happy for you. You go girl!


@Ant7 @Shaz51 @Alacarte @BryanaCamp  am up super early .... I don't know if it is the dieting and exercising or whether I am headed for a psychosis (although my medication always tempers a full blown episode these days thank god!). Anyway it is not that I am hungry I am not so I suppose it could be the mi *sigh!*.

Re: My fitness journey

that is wonderful @Queenie 

Hello @greenpea , @Ant7 , @Eden1919 , @Alacarte  , I have lost some weight xx xxx

Re: My fitness journey

@Shaz51  hello.... please dont tag me in this specific thread i cant handle it at the moment 

Re: My fitness journey

Well done @Queenie they are fantastic achievements! I'm so pleased for you & really glad the gym is working out for you. A 50kg sled that is amazing.

Well done @greenpea you're a star! Sounds like things are really happening for you, good for you!


I did a 10km hike yesterday and a 5km walk today. Eating like a horse but at least I'm exercising and eating quite healthy food.


Keep up the great work! Cat Happy

Re: My fitness journey

@BryanaCamp  HI BryanaCamp congrats with all the exercising that you are doing. Hiking is hard work and you are doing it! You go girl:)!

@Queenie @Shaz51 @Ant7 

Today was a party for my daughter's birthday, cake, biscuits, lollies etc. and I was sooooo tempted but I said a polite no to it all! 🙂 Feeling virtuous as I tucked into a couple of bowls of salad and then topped it off with healthy oats for dessert.

Re: My fitness journey

happy birthday to your daughter my super @greenpea , hope she had a lovely day xoxo

Re: My fitness journey

@Shaz51  thank you shaz51 I will pass on your birthday greeting :). I think she had a great day. We were actually celebrating for a week with me buying her lots of treats out to spoil her a bit. She's a great young lady 😄

Re: My fitness journey

I hope everyone is doing well. It sounds like it 😊


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