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New on here

Hi, im new on here.  Been struggling with depression, anxiety and alcohol addiction.  Feel like crap at the moment and definately feeling like im not going to cope with the family coming over tomorrow.


Re: New on here

hey @Zaphod
welcome to forums
i hope you find it a useful place

how are you this evening?

Re: New on here

Thanks.  Hanging in there.

How are you?

Re: New on here

not great @Zaphod but still here i guess
that's why the forums are here in the end

Re: New on here

Hello @Zaphod and welcome!

If you would like to tag people so they get a notification that your talking to them. You just put the @symbol in front of their names just as weve done for yours.

Feel free to use the sane searchbar to have a look for things of interest such an alcohol recovery (we have a few of those) or have a look through the different sections and join in where you would like. Im happy yo introduce you to some other members on other threads if you feel more comfortable that way.

Family coming over for me is super stressful too. Something that helps me is to literally fake it till you make it meaning try to interact and smile eve if you dont want to and also take regular bathroom breaks just to gather yourself up. Any other ideas that you think might help with coping tomorrow?

Re: New on here

Yeh're not alone mate. I just got off the phone to Lifeline which helped a bit. What are you up to tonight?

Re: New on here

Thanks @outlander. I definately need to stay sober tonight. I think ill end up pulling an all nighter. Got a few assessments due on monday and need to clean my bathroom. Mushrooms are growing in the shower...(not really its pretty dirty though)

Re: New on here

Im glad lifeline helped you @Zaphod
You still need sleep to function so try to get a few hrs in if you can.
What are you studying?

Re: New on here

Community Services and Aged Care.  Stressed to the max about it.  

Re: New on here

Oh wow @Zaphod thats both cool and sounds stressful. I work in aged care atm myself.
Do you have any supports at all? Do you know you can get support for your me tal health while studying as well?