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Re: Taking the plunge

@Appleblossom Not singing atm, but I am teaching signing to 4 yr old kinda kids, 11 of them. "How could anyone" is the song, I often drop it off here in different places. I hoped to sing it but confidence in non existent right now. Tuesday they were singing along, I almost burst into tears, ( happy tears ). I just want to plant seeds for the rough times they will encounter.

I only found my voice a few years back and I'm well into my 60's. Lost it again. Oh well. Still writing songs though. There's a lady here who is a singing/music teacher, she's going to listen to my music and see if it's worth anything. I think it's rubbish, she might confirm that.

As for singing, I'm an accidental singer. As a student at bible college I had a song I couldn't convince anyone to sing, so I reluctantly got pushed onto the stage, people just kept asking me to sing at weddings, graduations etc after that.

Im picking bits and pieces up here and there of how others here are going. I think you are doing okish, hope I have that right. Good to chat. 

Re: Taking the plunge

Yep @Maggie thats about right ... okish.  I have a big week coming up.

Some important  things are still up in the air.....sigh ....

but there will be good moments.

Smiley Happy

I missed your presence in general on the forums.  Its funny to describe, but even if you are talking to others it feels comforting fpr me having a sense of positive social vibe on the forums to help with all the difficult things.

I am glad you are putting your voice to some use. Teaching kids songs is a great thing, and yes it will help sustain them in the future.  It really does not have to up to special standards, what is important is to give them experience of PARTICIPATION.  I have strong feelings about music NOT being an elite thing, but something we ALL can share. Even though I need a lot of quiet alone time, like you, I do have that social yearning.

Yes, nice talking. I am 58 so not such a spring chicken.






Re: Taking the plunge

@Appleblossom I hope your busy week works out as good as can be expected.

Thanks for the general missing while I was absent. Strange how your mind convinces you of so many negatives that are not real.

I agree regarding music, a language all of its own. I can sit with two special songs for years, and have done, still do. Sometimes only music can touch that deep pain and offer a healing caring touch.

58, I have almost 10 on you, 68 next year. Not enjoying the old age freaky stuff. Not much I can do about it though, dropped off the Ark !!!!!

My little dog is chewing a bone her size atm, she puts her heart and soul into it. Yum yum. 

Take care. I will keep an eye on your thread if you have time to post.

Re: Taking the plunge

For a mutual laugh, here is a funny mad lil ole lady moment. @Maggie

Smiley Happy

Today I was sitting in the driveway when the postie arrived on her bike. I was sorting through garden sifting white stones from a section I want to make green with growth.  She delivered my one letter, a request for another donation from Sane Australia.  I just waved and laughed at her saying something about being a bit nutty and she said I was fine and could do what I wanted in my own garden. 

The things we put ourselves through . ...


Re: Taking the plunge

@Appleblossom Sometimes lil old lady moments are priceless, unfortunately laughing rattles the aching bones, more to laugh about. Lol.

Re: Taking the plunge

I have had a big day today. Cant say too much about it, but let you know that we had good and fair outcome.


Taking son to his last show of the season tomorrow.

Take Care @Maggie

Re: Taking the plunge

❤️ @Appleblossom .....

Re: Taking the plunge

@Appleblossom A big day sounds very tiring. Hope the show today goes really well. Everything is winding up for Christmas. You take care and go gently. 💗💕

Re: Taking the plunge

Morning @Former-Member. I see you behind the support button. Hope some rest times happen in your day today. 💕💕💜💜

Re: Taking the plunge


I thought you might like this.... I did... @Sophia1
