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Re: Taking the plunge

It is so lovely to hear how you are helping others @Maggie - those kids are very lucky to have you helping and teaching them Smiley Very Happy

It seems that you are doing some things that are taking you out of your comfort zone and despite you not feeling like you can get words out or are contributing much in this world you are doing both. You are too hard on yourself Hon - those kids would be loving the wonderful, caring person that we all also see here - so much admiration for you Hon - despite how you are feeling you are still out there and doing things Smiley Very Happy

A lot of these 💙 and some of these 💐 

Re: Taking the plunge

@Zoe7 Back at ya. Those kids are lucky to have you too, despite what you too are going through. Your mountains are much higher than mine are @Zoe7 You challenges much greater. Eventually you and I will reach the top. You have always had my admiration, never more than now. You can do this, I know you can, we all know you can.

Thankyou, as always for a heartfelt response. Loads of these for you. 💕💜💕💜💕💜💕💜

Re: Taking the plunge

We both have mountains to climb @Maggie - none are more or less - just different journeys Hon ...and we both have our fur babies to keep us going when that mountain seems insummountable but I have faith in you too sweet Maggie Heart

Re: Taking the plunge

 @Maggie I am glad that you feel settled enough in your new housing.  Maybe your social sides and need for privacy will both be met.  It is difficult when living with others with pain, but as we age, there seems to be an unending supply .... Smiley Sad  Take Care of YOU.


Not applicable

Re: Taking the plunge

Hello dear @Maggie (and waves to @Appleblossom @Zoe7 @Shaz51 @outlander)

Thank you for providing a bit of an update to where you're at.


I think its good that you have some sort of surety with regards to your home now for 12 months anyway.  And it does sound like its safe and secure, very important to have that Maggie. Yes there may be a lot of sadness and suffering there amongst the other people living there, but overall they sound like a nice bunch of people.  I am glad to hear that you are managing to get to meals more often and that you are getting to know a few more people there.  And even getting some names right .. definitely worth a tick that is.  So pleased to hear that residents privacy is respected there, but also that the people have concern for your well being.  Yes it is a fine line, but it sounds as though they do a pretty good job of not crossing it.  I'm glad for you, and I'm glad for the other residents.  After a year, do you automatically get the opportunity of extending for an additional 12 months? Provided you choose to stay of course.  I hope thats the case.


Maggie, I love how you are able to make light of your issues, even though I know its actually a really serious matter.  Your description of your many masks, where you even manage to fool yourself, is a case in point. Yes it must be scary, its certainly something I cannot ever claim to understand. But to me, that makes it even more scary, and you an even more courageous wonderful soul.


How lovely that you are able to teach those children sign language, singing, cross stitch and paper mache.  I know it was your desire to teach children singing, so I am delighted to hear that you are now doing just that!


So happy for you that you continue to have little Maggie-May with you. She truly is a godsend. Have the pair of you discovered any new places to explore, or is she happy staying within the confines of the complex?  I gather there are garden areas you are able to take her within the confines of the establishment, where she is safe from traffic or getting lost. Are there many other dogs (or other pets) there?  I think you mentioned another dog some time back, and I'm wondering if she has made any little friends there.


Its always a pleasure to read your posts Maggie. Always interesting and uplifting. Thank you for providing the update.


I hope you are sleeping soundly right now, you and little Maggie-May. 


Sherry Heart


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Re: Taking the plunge

@Former-Member such a lovely post as always Hon - you are much like @Maggie - anytime you share your thoughts it is wonderful to read and your support of others whilst still enduring so much yourself shows so much compassion and strength - you are both such special ladies Heart

Re: Taking the plunge

@Appleblossom Yes, definitely an unending supply of pain. That's one thing that does change, just increases.

How are you doing???? You've have a bust time of it lately, it takes its toll.

I think I might strike a happy medium between social and private  needs. I'm a loner, always have been. Conversations begin and end with " nice day" ... " yep"..... Now what.

Re: Taking the plunge

@Former-Member Thankyou for your understanding post. As far as sleeping goes, I seem to have forgotten how it's done. I do manage to rest though, I do appreciate that.

Today we had our last practice with signing at kinda. The teacher has done a test run with some parents who were really impressed. Next up, here in just over a week. I'm nervous as and excited too. I've been invited back next year to teach her new students, that made me day.

Part paper mache done. Plenty of mess. It's drying !!!!!! The two kids are in care, my heart aches for them. I'm hoping to make some pleasant memories, to help with the difficult ones.

Love the pics, Thankyou. I hope you get some rest tonight and some you time. Take care.

Hi to @Zoe7@Shaz51@outlander

Re: Taking the plunge

So pleased for you @Maggie and yes you need to take those positive moments when you get them Hon Heart Take them as major wins to help balance out the down times.

Re: Taking the plunge

@Zoe7 👍👍👍💕💜💕💜