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Re: Taking the plunge

@Maggie I am glad you are able to reach those kinda kids, especially the ones in care.  Every bit helps, a little more confidence, a moment of pleasure in learning.  I am sure the teacher appreciates it.


I am good.  A load has lifted from the family.  A few years ago, I felt it was selfish for me to make a plan for myself, but gradually the idea that I am worthy of self care is sinking in.

I am not great socially, but use train travel which often gives me opportunity to practise.

On Sunday a lady mentioned coffee. I gave her a card, will see if she calls ? Today, a few people chatted with me.  Its like a muscle, the more I practise the easier it flows.  I used to be very awkward, and flush with embarrassment when I was stuck for words, which was often.  Just do it a little here and there.  Tonight a nun sat next to me, and she laughed when I joked about physics and the creed (which we were singing).  She was also a science teacher.

Woman HappySmiley HappyWoman Happy


Re: Taking the plunge

@Appleblossom I see you were up in the wee hours, hope you are sleeping now.  Yes, the teacher is very greatful, she's so lovely with these littlies. I think of @Zoe7 when I meet her, a teacher who loves the kids, and her part in teaching them.

Humm, the flushing with embarrassment is very awkward, I do it always. There is opportunity for conversation here and there, I'll have to put the muscle to work, or find the muscle first!!!!!

A nun, physics and the creed, plus singing...... wow.......

I'm reading a very interesting book about the original meaning of the important biblical words, and how post modernists have changed their meaning. Bit of an eye opener to me.

Your self care plan sounds to be working for you. I know how challenging taking care of self can be. One of my self sabotage reasons of being where I am.

Sleep on if you can. I hope today is good to you. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽต

Re: Taking the plunge

That is so sweet of you to think of me @Maggie - love that my teaching and loving the kids is something forefront in your mind when you are with this other teacher Heart

Re: Taking the plunge

@Zoe7 You're up early. Do you have a busy day planned??? Of course I think of you when with the kids and their teacher. Such an important profession. Not at all easy. I can only do my small part because there is a teacher present, without her, I couldn't do it. She keeps control, tricky, to say the least. Enjoy your day as best you can. Raining here, looks to have set in for the day. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’•

Re: Taking the plunge

A very busy day @Maggie - GP, DBT,pdoc and then psychologist - ll in the one day will be tiring and drainging no doubt but I need to have then all on one day to be able to adjust for for on the other days eventully. Just about to head off and get ready so will leave you with lots of these ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒบ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜€

Re: Taking the plunge


Re: Taking the plunge

Oops. Previous post was for you @Zoe7 support button not working.

Re: Taking the plunge

Yes it is reassuring knowing I have a lot in common with that nun.  They are not all the same tho ... we also had a very different upbringing, from a well to do educated family. One the other side was a previous adult piano student, so I feel that the world is shrinking in a good way.  



It is sad when idealism dies completely. I try to find that space before it gets too naive. I dont see it as necessary for adulthood, to extinguish those hopeful parts of ourselves.  I do have to be careful to reality check tho ...

Smiley Happy

I have been running around chauffeuring son, and need a nap before I go out tonight.


Smiley Happy



Re: Taking the plunge

@Appleblossom I hope you are rested after the taxi service duties. Yes the gap. I noticed the gap even among the nuns themselves. It is lessening I think, maybe not in some minds though, some never change.

I read somewhere you were face painting the other day, is that physically or is there a hidden meaning I may have missed ???? 

Im not achieving atm, the waves are rising. It will happen.....eventually. I do have a half finished paper mache waiting to be filled, and two eager beavers.

Take care if you can today. Lots of these for you. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’›

Re: Taking the plunge

Thank you @Maggie

The face planting ... is a phrase @Faith-and-Hope dreamed up ... my take on it is that I am so exhausted I will PLANT my face into the computer keyboard.  lol

No painting by me!

Paper mache sounds good.  @Zoe7  @smc  and Faithand Hope are the arty ones.

Though last night I had a wonderful evening with many people active in the arts .... so there hope for me yet!

Today chauffeur and carpet cleaning and possibly taking myself to an opening in a gallery ... hmmm ... and some music.

HeartSmiley Happy