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Re: Lunar's Party Thread

They're edible AND delicious @Phoenix_Rising! I had a taste test earlier!


Re: Lunar's Party Thread

Are they allllllll edible @CheerBear? I have a funny feeling that you or @Zoe7 might have snuck a real one in there just so you could be amused by someone eating it. Oh's what I would do. That's right, you guys are actually nice. Smiley LOL

Not applicable

Re: Lunar's Party Thread

Ohhh @CheerBear thank you, the food is my dream! You know how much moons like cheese 🙂 ALOT, we can't get enough of the stuff!

I too was not sure where that noise was comign from, I was hoping not me, so phewww @Phoenix_Rising and @Zoe7 !!

Thank you for the birthday wishes little turtle!! Can @Phoenix_Rising and I try the cactus cupcakes yet Smiley LOLSmiley Tongue

The present you got me is AMAZING @Zoe7 how cool is the soil!!! Thank you  Heart Heart


Re: Lunar's Party Thread

Hahahaha @Phoenix_Rising Smiley LOL

Not applicable

Re: Lunar's Party Thread

I actually have to go into town, so I just wanted to drop off a couple of gifts I got for @Former-Member and let her know I went for smaller undies so as not to effect the tides too much!:P!

MoonPantsBook.jpgFirst off, I thought a little light reading might be in order 😄


. . . and these are the Pièce de résistance 😄 😄 😄

Hope you have a fantastic party @Former-MemberHeart


you really are a Supermoon! XxX

Re: Lunar's Party Thread

I hope you have a superly duperly wonderful birthday on Saturday @Former-Member. I got you a present. I figured you need an extra special telephone for dealing with extra special phone calls. Smiley Very Happy

kermit phone.jpg

Re: Lunar's Party Thread

That could be a nice little project for you @Former-Member - your own colourful soil and cacti in glass receptacles lol

Re: Lunar's Party Thread

@Phoenix_Rising Hey little turtle - if you and I are both here - then who is tying up @Former-Member on helpline - mmmm - just wondering lol

Re: Lunar's Party Thread

@Zoe7 I am a little disorientated as to where we are right now - mostly because I'm wandering around hidden under @CheerBear's pink fluffy blanket. Are we in the helicopter yet?

Re: Lunar's Party Thread

@Zoe7 That's a very good question. You mean there are OTHER people with super puddled brains in the world??? Huh - who would have thought it! I bet you a bazillion dollars that whoever is calling @Former-Member right now isn't calling from within a therapy session with the therapist standing right there. Only extra super special people get themselves into that sort of a pickle. Smiley Very Happy