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Re: My special place

Very true @Snowie 

Especially when we cleaned for 14 years for her 😁

Re: My special place

That is a long time @Shaz51 

Are you doing much this afternoon or just taking it easy?

Re: My special place

Just taking it easy @Snowie 

I have washed up 

Husband fallen asleep 

Sitting on the couch with a cuppa 


How are you and D going xxxx

Re: My special place

Sounds nice @Shaz51 

Always like a good nap!!


Took D to doctors this morning. She was having bad reactions to the pain meds she was given so went and got a prescription for a different type of pain meds. Over the counter meds weren't helping with pain, so hopefully these new ones help and don't make things worse.

Still a fair bit of swelling. But worst is over so just take it day by day I guess.

Re: My special place

Hugs @Snowie and D❤️❤️❤️

Re: My special place

Thanks @Shaz51 

She really has been easy to look after. She is not one to complain. When she tells me she is in pain, I know it must be bad.


I'm ready for bed already today!


Re: My special place

I can imagine, I would feel similarly, but I can also get how it could make us feel like it's because of us also - even though I am sure external factors are at play here (on their end!) - Were you able to get a reschedule?

I can't say for sure either.. but I know 100% that a lack of sleep definitely does contribute to crappy moods... I know it does for me, that's for sure! Have you been able to have a nap any time today? Or will wait till bed time tonight @Snowie ?

Re: My special place

Sounds like an end of a working era for you @Shaz51 ! It's OK to cry - I feel this is healthy and absolutely normal in your position. I wonder if for the remaining jobs before the month ends.. you're able to boost the price, get some extra perks? 😛 You deserve it after all!

Re: My special place

I've rescheduled most of them @PizzaMondo 

The one I have real issues with is the SW. They knew I wasn't great and still cancelled.

So they must not care how I am.


No nap today.

Have lots on my mind, finding it hard to switch off.

My pdoc won't be happy with me


Re: My special place

Aww @Snowie that sucks, and I do know how easy it is to assume that their actions are a reflection of how much they care. However, in my experience, this is rarely, if ever, the case. Can still feel like the rug's been pulled out from under you though hey. 


Maybe let your SW know how it has left you feeling this evening? 


Sitting with you deary 💜