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Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie
Im sorry things are so tough, those meds dont seem to be helping with your anxiety 😞 I hope that maybe with the increase itll help settle things again- my fingers and toes are crossed for you!

maybe as your not up for going out, you could encourage them to go to friends houses or invite their friends to yours.. i know its really hard to have so much anxiety and not being up for much but also wanting to do things with the kids as well. Makes it hard to know what the hell to do.

Hugs for the hard work cover session, i hope something good comes out of it even though it was really hard.

The news about the DBT course starting in January sounds good though, maybe thatll be another good turning point for you

Heart Heart Heart

Re: My special place

Always so lovely to hear from you sweet sister @Snowie


Why is your pdoc so insistent with these meds that make your anxiety worse? Are they helping in other ways?



Has a point re: your children. Could they go for a sleep over for a day or two? What about taking them to play at McDonalds while you have a coffee? Or give them a jigsaw to do that's a little bit challenging. You can maybe help out sorting peices. Or take them to a nice park.


Good news about the DBT Program. I think you'll benefit a lot from that in many ways. Sometimes when we sit at home all day, every day our feelings, worries, fears can magnify out of proportion. Getting out, getting involved in something might help to decrease those big feelings.

Re: My special place

Thanks @Sans911@outlander

I don't know why my pdoc is so insistent with these meds. He says I need them but I don't feel like they are helping at all. 

How are you both going?

Re: My special place

I think you really need to demand an answer from your pdoc! Sorry, not trying to pressure you, it's your choice at the end of the day. But you want to try to stabilise and feel capable of getting on with your life and trying to be functional. Doesn't sound like that's happening for you.

It's been a hard and tricky road with you and meds, hasn't it? It must be really draining and frustrating for you.

I care very much about you @Snowie, so I'm here if you ever want to vent, have a chat or anything else. Take care hun. 🤗💕💕💕

Re: My special place

I just thought of something that might help your anxiety and the kids would love to get involved in @Snowie.

I'm using an app called Happy Colours. It's a paint by numbers electronically. They have a daily challenge every day, and there's heaps of different categories to choose from to colour. My neice has just starting using it, and says that it's helping a lot to calm her anxiety. The kids could easily get involved as there's often tricky little places numbers at at, and you have to search a lot to find them.

Re: My special place

It is great news about DBT @Snowie I think you will get a lot out of the course - I know I have. At times I have found it dry and tedious but the connections I have made as a result of it have been great. It has helped having a great group of people to work with so I hope you get the same. If not it is a matter of working within your own limits to 'put up with' other people and focus on the content. I look forwardn to following your journey with DBT and will help if you need it ...Im feel like I have a handle on it all now this being my second time around Smiley Surprised

It is not great about the anxiety - I hope this med increase is what you need and it comes more under control - if not your pdoc needs to change it quickly can't keep living to sleep - that is not living Hon Smiley Sad

I understand that you are concerned that you can't do anything with your kids but sometimes it really is a matter of pushing yourself - I do know how hard that is when you are constantly anxious though - so no magic wand on that one Smiley Sad

I really hope the workcover report falls your way - you are definitely not in a space to be returning to work yet - hopefully one day you will but it needs to feel right for you too. I know our situations are very different so I won't presume that you will get back but it is possible - I didn't think I would ever get back either - funny how things work out sometimes ...and the right combination of meds certainly helped with that, Hoping doing DBT will give you some more skills to use and help you move forward in so many ways Hon - I believe in you @Snowie and am here for you all the way Heart

Re: My special place

Hi my sweet @Snowie Haven't heard from you lately and wondering how you are going. I suspect it is a really busy time with the kids finishing school and christmas thrown in there too. Would love a check in Hon - a support is enough but also what you to know I am missing you a lot 💛🧡💚💙💜

Re: My special place

Hi @Zoe7, has been a pretty busy time with family but that is all over with now thankfully. Have been missing you and others on here too. Have been busy today packing to go away. We are heading to you!! Heading to Tassie for about 10 days to do some sightseeing with the kids. 

Re: My special place

Oh Hon - so close but yet so far Smiley Sad

It is a beautiful state so I hope you have a great time. The Taste of Tasmania is on at the moment and I am going tomorrow with my sister - so much beautiful local food to choose from - I will no doubt have pancakes with raspberries from the raspberry farm when I get there - they are so delicious and I have then every year when I go. I went last year but missed the couple of years before that - wasn't well enough to deal with the crowds or even get out of the house.

@Snowie Just knowing you will be in the same state will be wonderful and I look forward to hearing all about your trip and what you did when you can post.

Yes it has been a busy time for many and I suspected you were flat out with the family. This trip away might be just what you need too - hope you love every minute of it. If you need any suggestions on where to visit then let me know.

Re: My special place

yes, so close yet so far...

We have already planned most days and what we will be doing. The kids and hubby haven't been to Tassie yet so will be good for them to see it for the first time. Will be staying in two different places and then travelling to things from there so have hired a car for the duration of the trip too @Zoe7.

Hi @Sans911